Sometimes I think about the first time I started blogging. Back in high school, I started my first blog on blogspot. I was a sophomore (this was circa 2002-ish) and it was sorta focused on anime. That didn't last very long. I outgrew it quickly and started another blog that was more of a personal/life blog that talked about anything and everything. Time passed and I had moved on to
Xanga, then Modblog (which I tried to Google but doesn't exist anymore), and eventually settled on
Livejournal in my senior year of high school. I was on it every day and kept it updated up until the beginning of my junior year of college when I started spending more time on Twitter and Facebook. I made some great internet friends on Livejournal, some of which I still follow to this day.
I still keep a blog…actually, I keep several. Most of them reside on self-hosted Wordpress. But I decided to create this specific blog as a place where I can just post whatever I want without any real focus or reason. It's a place where I can take a break from crafting well-formed sentences. This is the Unit of Leisure.